The Cutting-Edge Advantage: Planning Your AI Adoption for 2024

3 min read
September 28, 2023

As we gear up for the coming year, the potential for AI to reshape businesses and industries is more evident than ever. To navigate this transformative landscape effectively, it can help to work with a trusted advisory partner who will make this daunting territory both accessible and exciting. For organizations looking to gain some understanding of the whirlwind of recent AI advancements and how they can transform their business with these technologies, Infused Innovations is a strategic ally with the expertise to help pave the way. 

In a recent episode of the Digitally Transformed podcast, Brennan Richards, Artificial Intelligence Engineer and Connor O’Neill, Director of Development & Data Solutions at Infused Innovations, joined host Justin Starbird to explore why it’s imperative to plan for the continuing wave of AI in the coming year and how Infused Innovations can guide you in planning your AI adoption.

AI’s Expansive Growth Isn’t Stopping

We’ve all seen how quickly AI has developed and transformed over the course of 2023—and as these technologies keep evolving and become integrated into various applications, this trend is going to continue. If you haven’t been paying much attention to AI’s capabilities in the workplace, now is the time to start.

In 2024 we will see even more explosive growth in this realm. ChatGPT is already gaining abilities to see and talk to you (in nice, realistic voices), coming that much closer to the J.A.R.V.I.S.-like assistant that futurists have envisioned for years. On top of popular sensations like this, there will be all kinds of specific work applications where AI can be thoughtfully integrated. One overarching example is Microsoft Copilot, an assistant that can be used in Word, Power BI, and lots of other Microsoft spaces, custom-suited for different kinds of work. Open-source LLMs from companies like Meta will also allow companies to change and build on models for their own research and development. 

A study by OpenAI took an early look at the labor market impact potential of large language models (LLMs), finding that 80% of the U.S. workforce is likely to have at least 10% of their work tasks affected by GPTs, while about 19% of workers may see as much as 50% of their tasks impacted. Rather than looking at this as jobs being taken away, it’s important for companies—and society—to shift the mindset and instead ask: what could these human minds be doing instead? What would they want to be doing? Where can we assign repetitive, robotic tasks to machines and how can we better allocate human creativity and foster more meaningful connection? Rethinking how workers apply themselves within today’s AI revolution can lead to more productive business, greater team engagement, and higher employee satisfaction.

Think Big, Start Small—But Most Importantly, Start

The sooner you get your feet wet with AI, the sooner you’ll start reaping benefits and the more competitive advantage your business will have. Starting small is a great way to get a feel for the particular capabilities of AI that can work well for your organization, while lowering your initial investment. Then, you can use the returns on that first investment to scale up and expand as necessary. Our advisory team often recommends this method, and clients are pleased with the quick time-to-value and ROI. We’ve been working with these LLMs even before they were popular and can guide you in the best ways to get started optimally and cost-effectively.

Planning Your AI Adoption: What’s Possible for Your Business?

Many organizations know that they need to make improvements and stay ahead of industry changes, but they aren’t sure where to start, especially with such new technology as AI. For cases like these, we offer an Art of the Possible workshop to brainstorm what is most important for your business and how we can link the right resources to the best ideas. We will sit down with team members from across your organization, welcoming insights from all levels, and help you discover what new transformative opportunities we can make possible, with AI or otherwise. 

To hear more from Connor and Brennan on planning your AI adoption listen to our latest Digitally Transformed episode, “Planning for AI Excellence: Budgets and Beyond”. Or contact us to start the conversation on how you can use this powerful technology to make 2024 the year your business reaches unprecedented new heights!

And, be sure to join us and dive into the art of future-proofing your organization on the final installment of our 2024 Budget & Planning series, where CEO Jeff Wilhelm joins us to explore the future of technology, security, and innovation!

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